
Corporate Filing Services, Inc. DBA CorpFile is not a law firm, does not employ attorneys, and does not purport to offer legal advice.  Informational content herein is meant merely to provide generic information based on widely available public knowledge on the topics discussed.  Information featured on the pages of www.corpfile.com is intended to function as an advertisement for services.

While these services create a Power-of-Attorney relationship from a signing and execution standpoint, they do not create an Attorney-Client relationship.  There is no substitute for legal advice from an attorney and/or tax advice from an accountant.  Customers are encouraged to seek out all forms of advice available and make only informed decisions about business structural and financial registrations.  CorpFile reminds customers that these kinds of choices have far-reaching and critical consequences and can affect nearly every aspect of business for years to come.

CorpFile expressly denies all warranties, expressed or implied as to the information provided herein.  Due to having customers in all 50 States, at any given time, information may not be completely up to date, although CorpFile makes every effort to update information in a timely manner.  CorpFile, therefore, is not responsible for damage resulting in loss due to an omission in the content of this website.

As a document filing service, CorpFile merely files information provided by the customer.  CorpFile is not responsible for validating or vetting this information.  Mistakes in the content provided will pass through and result in errors in the filing, all of which CorpFile disclaims all responsibility for.  No statement, written or verbal made by any agent, assigned party, or employee of CorpFile shall supersede this disclaimer.